Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Instagram and the Dreaded Algorithm

      In mid-2012, Facebook, a widely known social media platform and company, purchased another popular social media channel, Instagram, for $1 billion in cash and stock.  Over the years, Instagram maintained in good standings with its users (despite its new owners).  However, in 2016, Instagram adopted some of the same inner workings that Facebook had been implementing for years; i.e. the algorithm.
      Ah, yes, the dreaded algorithm.  Some love it while others hate it.  Last year, Instagram's users had to say goodbye to pictures showing up chronologically on their feed.  Now, instead, the algorithm-driven feed shows you the posts that Instagram thinks you want to see - no matter the order they were originally posted.  You may be thinking, "Why wouldn't I want to see my BFF's posts first?  They're who I really care about."  And yes, I understand that mindset from a personal standpoint but the affect this algorithm has on small businesses must be taken into consideration as well.
      For businesses, Instagram is a great way to get their brand out there.  Not only does a picture speak 1,000 words but it is also a free social media platform that reaches millions and millions of people. Many people from all over can see your stuff despite following you or not.  However, with this new algorithm, it is making it harder for brands to get their products and services seen by their followers.  Unless someone is a die-hard follower, businesses' posts can be put on the back-burner in people's feeds.  This has a massive negative impact on small businesses since their stuff isn't being seen by who it should be seen by.
      Even though this algorithm has really put a damper on the growth and reach of small businesses, there are a couple ways to continue to reach new people and current followers:

  1. Utilize hashtags.  A lot of people look up hashtags of their interests and current events so this is an easy way for people to find your account.  However, make sure you mix your hashtags up and don't constantly use all of the same ones over and over again.  Spamming Instagram with the same tags in each post could get a "Shadow Ban" placed on you - meaning, your hashtagged post wont show up to those that don't follow you and are looking up that same hashtag because Instagram has an inkling that you're a bot (spam account).
  2. Encourage your followers to turn on notifications for your posts.  This feature will notify your true followers when you have posted a new photo.  It may be annoying to some but others will definitely appreciate it.
      Overall, don't let this algorithm get the best of you.  Utilize Instagram's solid features and continue putting your all into this social media platform for your marketing.  If this is becoming too much of a problem, consider utilizing other social media platforms for your marketing purposes.  In the meantime, though, curse this dreaded algorithm!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

       Running a small business is a difficult task.  Not only is a significant amount of time, effort, and money put in on the owner's part, but marketing that business is also a necessity that falls on the insanely important "to do" list.  Because of its seemingly endless reach and its cost-efficiency, social media is a great way to market a small business (or any business for that matter).  So how should a business owner increase their social media presence?  Follow these tips to get started.
       First, find which accounts are working for you.  Many people think that they need to be on every single social media platform in order to reach every single potential customer.  Why stretch yourself so thin?  In my opinion, it is better to be a master at a couple or a few platforms than sub-par at a dozen.  If you're utilizing all of the features Instagram and Facebook have to offer why are you wasting time and effort posting sporadically on Pinterest and Twitter when your following isn't even there?  Educate yourself and keep up with the social media pages that are working for you.

       Another good thing to do is to strategize before you post.  Taking shots in the dark and hoping people will react is not a good tactic.  Plan your updates out. What is it that you are hoping to do?  Do you want to gain brand awareness?  Do you want to encourage calls-to-action? It is always a good idea to keep your main goals in mind when you are developing content.  Having a plan is always a good thing and it will help you better connect with your followers and potential customers because you took the time to do your research and think out your strategies and your updates.
       The last piece of advice for conquering social media is to engage with others on these platforms.  Look up hashtags and accounts that relate to what you do.  Like, comment, follow, and form relationships with those that are similar to you or relate to your products and services.  This is a great way to network, gain support, and show that you are personable.  If you share someone's post they are more likely to share yours.  Building relationships is highly beneficial and can easily build awareness for your business.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Growing and Maintaining Your Instagram Presence

       When it comes to marketing your business on social media there is really no set-in-stone way to go about it.  Each digital platform offers its own perks that can greatly benefit your company.  By utilizing Instagram, one can bring light upon their products and procure a following of loyal and dedicated people.  Doing this requires a lot of effort, dedication, and time.
       The first step in gaining an Instagram following is by posting every single day.  Yes, you read that right.  Every. Single. Day.  With so much information being constantly thrown at the average person it makes it very hard to capture their attention for long periods of time.  By consistently posting, you are helping your business stay fresh in the user's mind.  Take in mind, there is such thing as posting too much.  It is probably best if you post no more than three times a day; anything after that becomes annoying and you may be cut.
       The second step in gaining/maintaining your Instagram followers is to use hashtags to your advantage.  These little suckers are the perfect way for you to find potential followers and for you to find them.  Instagram allows thirty hashtags for every post--why not take advantage of them?  Pick the ones that best fit your image, the people you're trying to capture, and your post at hand.  In addition to placing them for people to find you, use them to find people.  See what people are posting under the same hashtags and comment your honest opinion.  Love what you're seeing? Tell them! This could ultimately lead to a follow and a new customer!
       Lastly, be sure to reply to every comment.  This really makes a difference.  Someone has taken the time to write to you so make sure you take the time to write them back. This is called common courtesy or being polite and actually makes you seem really personable compared to other business out there!  Plus, it is a great opportunity to make new friends and can really make someone's day if their favorite account responds to them.
       Although these techniques seem really simple, they are a great way to put your business out there and gain a great reputation.  By engaging with Instagram's followers, you in turn acquire followers and potential customers.  So be sure to post, comment, and hashtag your way to success!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Your Crafting Business and Pinterest

      As many know, Pinterest is a free website that allows its members to upload, save, sort, and manage images (known as pins) and other social media content (videos, PDFs, links, etc.) through collections known as pinboards.  For the consumer, this site is a great way to browse thousands of items and organize potential ideas for numerous occasions, projects, wardrobes, and more.  To the business owner, however, Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to their own website or a page on their Etsy account.
       Pinning one's own images to Pinterest greatly increases traffic to the website. Being a maker, Pinterest is a great medium to post the masterfully taken images of your products on. In order to make sure people are directed to your site, pinning other relevant images that don't contend with your page is a good route to go.  This way there is a greater chance that people will be exposed to your products and therefore more likely to make a purchase.  

       Lastly, advertising on Pinterest is basically free.  Anyone can upload their own images onto the site.  Of course, there is a way that you can pay to have Pinterest sponsor ads for you but it is perfectly acceptable and feasible to advertise your business for free.  The great thing about this website when compared to other social media platforms is that the life of a pin lasts for a very long time.  If posted on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you probably have anywhere from a day or two to a week of exposure.  On Pinterest, it is possible for your pin to be active for many many months!  Overall, Pinterest is a great way to advertise your crafts and drive traffic towards your business.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Implementing Facebook Ad Campaigns

       Social media.  A concept, an idea, a website.  Basically, nowadays, it is nearly impossible to live without this form of communication.  Even though billions of people use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on every single day to keep up with friends and family, social media lends much more than a hand as well to companies all around the world.

        Recently, I decided to take Social Media Marketing as a class to fulfill my college credit hours.  One day, while listening to my professor's lecture, she mentioned the reach of a Facebook Ad campaign.  Having a very small business myself, I thought, "Why not try this for myself?"  After creating my page in late December of 2016, I had a pretty small audience.  Of course my friends and family members liked my page in order to show support but that was basically it.  Every week I may have gotten one new like or one more engagement with my posts but nothing significant was happening. 
        Then, while my professor was actually lecturing on the subject, I decided to implement my own Facebook Ad campaign regarding my business.  I set my target market, selected how long I wanted the ad to run for, and how much I wanted to spend.  One week would cost me $7.  ONLY $7! For less than $10 I could easily reach an audience that would take interest in my product and who would have otherwise been out of my grasp.  Within the first few days of the campaign I had over 1,000 views on my page and hundreds of engagements. 
        Although my campaign is not yet over and I am not yet sure of the results, I am so intrigued by how much reach and how much of one market segment I was able to capture.  I recommend to any small business to try this method of advertising at least once.  For such a low price any company can expand their horizons and really put their business out there for others to see.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Crafty Connections

          My whole life I have been creating.  From drawing to painting, scrap-booking to jewelry, and knitting to crocheting, I have always been keeping my hands busy with crafts.  In 3rd grade, I was lucky enough to have my grandma show me the ropes of crocheting and in 5th grade a family friend introduced me to the realm of knitting.  Over time I took classes, read books, and watched videos online in order to further my yarn-crafting knowledge.  I was obsessed with expressing myself through this needlework and wanted nothing more than to be the best knitter/crocheter I could me.
           In January of 2014, I decided to bring my love of knitting and crocheting to the internet.  I had already had a personal Instagram account for the typical pictures of me and my friends but finally found the courage to create another specifically for my crafts.  I couldn't think of a better way to connect with others who were also in love with yarn and everything you can do with it.  This platform allowed me to expand my horizons and explore farther into my craft than I even thought possible.  
            Aside from friends and family supporting me, my account quickly grew.  I went from 0 to 1000 followers in less than a year. 1000!  I couldn't believe how great the Instagram community was.  It was so easy to find makers that 1) inspired me, 2) encouraged me, and 3) heightened my passion for needlework.  Being able to see what others were making and being able to engage with them pushed me to improve on my knitting and crocheting abilities.
            Today, I have almost 2,000 followers that instill in themselves the same work ethic and passion as me.  By using social media, I have been able to meet those like me and make friends all over the world.  Some accounts even inspired me to pursue one of my dreams and start lightly selling a few of my creations.  Instagram has allowed me to expand my horizons, market my passions, and instill in myself a motivation and drive that I hadn't know before. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Wonderful World of Etsy

         In 2005, Etsy, an online community where crafters, artists and makers can sell their handmade and vintage goods and craft supplies, was founded in Brooklyn, New York.  With 40 million items for sale, 979 employees, and about $2.39 billion in annual gross merchandise sales in 2015, Etsy has definitely made a huge impact on the online retail world.

         Even though some may simply see this website as a cute online store to purchase quirky and unique products from, Etsy is actually a career and lifestyle for many.  There are currently 1.7 million active sellers providing products for 27.1 million active buyers.  
         Many sellers advertise their shop/products through various other sources of social media.  For instance, Instagram and Facebook make it easy to ad a link to your Etsy shop and also offer numerous ways to connect to potential clients.  By doing this, more consumers are directed to Etsy stores and thus generate more sales and profits for the seller.  Through these integrated platforms, millions of people are able to make a living off of their art that they wouldn't have been able to do without the implementation of social media. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Yarn Bombing: Making the World Brighter

      Take a second and think about what you can make with a pair of knitting needles and a skein of yarn. A hat, a scarf, a pair of socks, and a sweater are a few medial items that come to mind. However, when you think outside of the box, there is a plethora of possibilities - including products that don't conform to the category of homemade garments. Outside of the clothing spectrum lies a whole new level of yarn creativity: yarn bombing.
       By definition, yarn bombing is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fiber rather than paint or chalk. From its humble beginnings as a creative way for knitters and crocheters to put their leftover yarn to good use, yarn bombing has transformed into a massive craze in urban areas around the world. Since this art form is neither permanent nor destructive, it has become a fun and creative way to beautify and brighten up otherwise unappealing and sterile public environments. 
       Many yarn bomb creations have taken the web by storm. There have been artists as old as 104 that have taken to the streets to spread their joy and passion of the craft.  Some companies, such as Target, have even hired yarn bombers to draw attention to their stores.  
    Conan O'Brien, a talk-show host/celebrity, has hired professional yarn bombers as well to create items to advertise for his show.
         Because of social media, the love of yarn bombing has spread across the world.  Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many more social sites have enabled crafty people everywhere to spread their art and inspire others.  There are numerous accounts dedicated to yarn bombing.  For many, this craft spreads happiness and joy in places that are lacking it.  Every part of the world can now be a brighter, more colorful, place. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Stitched Together: Social Media & Knitting

Stitched Together: Social Media & Knitting

           What do you think of when you think of knitting? The 19th century? Your favorite sweater? Your grandma and her many cats?  Your mind automatically jumps to the old-fashioned stereotypes that knitting has held for decades.  However, knitting has begun to make a comeback among the younger Millennial and Generation X communities thanks to the Internet. 

           The World Wide Web has revolutionized the way the world thinks about and absorbs information - including knitting.  A knitter no longer has to haul themselves and their extensive amounts of projects to their local yarn store every Thursday night for "Knit Night" to connect with those like them.  By utilizing social media platforms like YouTube, Ravelry, Facebook, and Instagram, knitters have established a unique online community that allows them to learn, inspire, and mingle with those that share their same passion for yarn creativity. 

           In the past, knitting was viewed as part of the routine household drudgery.  This art was a necessity for clothing and warmth instead of the relaxing hobby it has evolved into today.  With inventions such as the knitting machine, knitters were able to focus on more whimsical and decorative projects - instead of just darning worn-out socks and mittens. Having been a subdued passion for many decades after the necessity it originated from, modern-day knitters have taken to the Internet because it provides a space to display the finished projects that one is proud of completing. 
            According to the most recent data as of February 2014, Ravelry (an online yarn-crafting website) has 4 million registered users.  One can only imagine how much this website has grown in the past 2 years.  Ravelry allows knitters from all around the world to collaborate on projects.  Here you can buy and sell patterns, download free patterns, connect with others who have similar knitting interests, or find ways to donate finished item to various different charities.  Many users have even made lasting friendships offline as knitters who met on Ravelry meet in person for swaps and knitting groups. 

           By using the Internet as a platform for connecting to others who share the same passions, knitting has grown into a big subculture and has attracted those who normally wouldn't have picked up the needles in the first place.  The web offers infinite ways for veteran knitters and beginners to learn, create, share, and connect in ways that were once not an option.  Do you still think knitting is just for your grandma?