Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Implementing Facebook Ad Campaigns

       Social media.  A concept, an idea, a website.  Basically, nowadays, it is nearly impossible to live without this form of communication.  Even though billions of people use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on every single day to keep up with friends and family, social media lends much more than a hand as well to companies all around the world.

        Recently, I decided to take Social Media Marketing as a class to fulfill my college credit hours.  One day, while listening to my professor's lecture, she mentioned the reach of a Facebook Ad campaign.  Having a very small business myself, I thought, "Why not try this for myself?"  After creating my page in late December of 2016, I had a pretty small audience.  Of course my friends and family members liked my page in order to show support but that was basically it.  Every week I may have gotten one new like or one more engagement with my posts but nothing significant was happening. 
        Then, while my professor was actually lecturing on the subject, I decided to implement my own Facebook Ad campaign regarding my business.  I set my target market, selected how long I wanted the ad to run for, and how much I wanted to spend.  One week would cost me $7.  ONLY $7! For less than $10 I could easily reach an audience that would take interest in my product and who would have otherwise been out of my grasp.  Within the first few days of the campaign I had over 1,000 views on my page and hundreds of engagements. 
        Although my campaign is not yet over and I am not yet sure of the results, I am so intrigued by how much reach and how much of one market segment I was able to capture.  I recommend to any small business to try this method of advertising at least once.  For such a low price any company can expand their horizons and really put their business out there for others to see.  

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