Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Instagram and the Dreaded Algorithm

      In mid-2012, Facebook, a widely known social media platform and company, purchased another popular social media channel, Instagram, for $1 billion in cash and stock.  Over the years, Instagram maintained in good standings with its users (despite its new owners).  However, in 2016, Instagram adopted some of the same inner workings that Facebook had been implementing for years; i.e. the algorithm.
      Ah, yes, the dreaded algorithm.  Some love it while others hate it.  Last year, Instagram's users had to say goodbye to pictures showing up chronologically on their feed.  Now, instead, the algorithm-driven feed shows you the posts that Instagram thinks you want to see - no matter the order they were originally posted.  You may be thinking, "Why wouldn't I want to see my BFF's posts first?  They're who I really care about."  And yes, I understand that mindset from a personal standpoint but the affect this algorithm has on small businesses must be taken into consideration as well.
      For businesses, Instagram is a great way to get their brand out there.  Not only does a picture speak 1,000 words but it is also a free social media platform that reaches millions and millions of people. Many people from all over can see your stuff despite following you or not.  However, with this new algorithm, it is making it harder for brands to get their products and services seen by their followers.  Unless someone is a die-hard follower, businesses' posts can be put on the back-burner in people's feeds.  This has a massive negative impact on small businesses since their stuff isn't being seen by who it should be seen by.
      Even though this algorithm has really put a damper on the growth and reach of small businesses, there are a couple ways to continue to reach new people and current followers:

  1. Utilize hashtags.  A lot of people look up hashtags of their interests and current events so this is an easy way for people to find your account.  However, make sure you mix your hashtags up and don't constantly use all of the same ones over and over again.  Spamming Instagram with the same tags in each post could get a "Shadow Ban" placed on you - meaning, your hashtagged post wont show up to those that don't follow you and are looking up that same hashtag because Instagram has an inkling that you're a bot (spam account).
  2. Encourage your followers to turn on notifications for your posts.  This feature will notify your true followers when you have posted a new photo.  It may be annoying to some but others will definitely appreciate it.
      Overall, don't let this algorithm get the best of you.  Utilize Instagram's solid features and continue putting your all into this social media platform for your marketing.  If this is becoming too much of a problem, consider utilizing other social media platforms for your marketing purposes.  In the meantime, though, curse this dreaded algorithm!